Is Coaching the right solution for Me?

Getting a coach is an investment of your time, energy and money. It also means you are about to change things that are important to you.

This can make it uncomfortable and even difficult to make a decision. It’s part of the process. Taking this step is setting things in motion towards the life you want to live.

To support your decision, bellow you can find reliable indicators that you are ready to get a coach and that it would be the right experience for you.

Feel free to have a look and decide for yourself.

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 I want to take more out of my life


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 I am willing to make changes in my life and myself


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 I am open to new ideas and perspectives


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 I accept that coaching and change takes time and commitment.


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 I accept that the coach will help me figure things out for myself, not tell me what to do


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 I understand that professional coaches operate by a Code of Ethics that I will respect.


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 I am ready to share information about myself.


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 I am ready to really try, learn, fail and succeed. 


Is it time to have the life you want, know more about yourself and move forward with projects and decisions?


It’s okay if you are still unsure. Take your time or just send a note to discuss it further. 
